03 March 2025

View Learner Information

Each institution can change the appearance of Contact hub to suit their needs. So the screen you see may look different and may not have all the options shown here.

Once you log in you are taken to the homepage. Here, you are shown the basic details for all the learners who have given you access as a contact. To see more details for a learner select Learner Progress beneath their name and image.

This displays the Learner Progress screen, where you can review the following information:

  • Support Needs

  • Attendance

  • Punctuality

  • Timetable

  • Enrolments

  • Exams

  • Markbook

  • ILP

You can also use the links in the left hand menu to get to more screens:

Details - This page contains the basic information that the institution has about the learner, including emergency contacts and recorded support needs.

Progress - This takes you to the progress screen where you can see an overview of the learner’s progress.

Timetable - This shows you your learner’s timetable.

Exam Timetable - Shows you the details of any upcoming exams for you learner, including the date and time.

Attendance - From here you can check the learner’s recorded attendance, over any time period you’re interested in.

Communications - Here you can see all the messages that have been sent to you.